Why children need a Healthy Environment

November 20, 2021

A safe learning environment is essential for students of all ages. Without it they are unable to focus on learning the skills needed for a successful education and future. When violence is part of the educational setting, all students are affected in some way.

1. Healthy spaces to learn and play

All students deserve access to a clean and safe environment, indoors and out. Playgrounds can offer a connection to nature and outdoor learning spaces, as well as an opportunity to contain rainwater and reduce neighborhood flooding.


2. Health as an integral part of excellence in education

Studies show that healthy students are more likely to attend school, are better able to focus in class, and are better positioned to achieve academic success. 

3. Involved parents and community members

In order for these efforts to succeed, school leaders must engage parents and community members in understanding the connection between student health and academic achievement and student health and community health.

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